What makes a great sales person?

I have been recruiting sales people for the past 25 years and I have identified certain qualities that I look for when recruiting. I thought I would share them to help employers know what to look for and to help reps know what to focus on.

  • A great sales rep knows how to build rapport, communicate well, listen and handle objections. Great sales reps are usually effective communicators and they can chameleonize to adapt to different personalities.
  • A good sales rep is used to being measured on activities and they are effective time managers, ensuring that they meet their activity targets. They understand that sales is a stats and numbers game and the more activities they do, the more likely they are to succeed.
  • Mindset. Great sales reps are goal orientated, self-confident and optimistic. They believe in their ability to sell and they believe in their product or service and even in tough times, their self-belief is still strong.
  • Track record. A great sales rep has a good track record of commissions earned and can produce pay slips to prove their success. They also do not hop every 6 months.
  • Thorough. There is a perception that all reps are bad at administration and that this is something that employers just need to accept. I am of the opinion that the best reps I have met are organised and efficient and they understand the importance of keeping their admin and reports up to date.
  • Love sales. Successful reps love what they do and they see value in helping their clients. They are motivated by the money, yes, but their main motivator is creating a happy client and being a solution provider. They also understand that sales, when done right can be the quickest route to financial success.

By: Cindy Norcott